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How did the gang start?

This happened a long tme ago. The Avram Gang started during the month of March, the year 2015. Alberto was alone and new to the PC gaming world . He bought H1Z1 to see if it is that good as they say on Twitch. He bought it and now does not stop playing it. 

He went to the Cabins and meet this guy named Lotion. He said, "Why don't we start a gang?" Lotion laughed at his suggestion. Alberto did not give up and continue on with his idea. Then later, Zip Zap came along. Zip Zap hated Lotion for his form of being. He raided Lotion's shack, but that was also the shack that Alberto called home. Alberto met Zip Zap and learned how to raid bases.  But Alberto did not hate Zip Zap.On the contrary, he wanted to know what he knows about the game. Zip taught him a few things and Alberto took his lessons to another level. He went overboard and got the title "The Hacker with the Bow." He started doing it on his own. He then changed his name to AvramAlberto.

Zip Zap saw what he did with his name and did the same. He supported Alberto with his idea. He even invited his friends. Alberto did the same thing. This is when the Avrams were only about five members. The Avram Gang has been fighting ever since. From getting raided, to now guing a whole organization in H1Z1. " I am the happiest guy with the members I have. I wouldn't trade  any of them.We have differences. We sometimes argue. But we always stay loyal to each other. Every Avram knows, that we each have each others' backs," Alberto said. 

Alberto took a break and came back with another great idea. He knew that the gang was getting too big so he sepeperated the bow men. Without a doubt, some of the best bowmen take part in the Wicked Avram division. The WickedAvrams are devoted to destroy those at the church and at Pleasant Valley. It is a group dedicated to steal veichles and loot mostly with just a makeshift bow. They're the dark and wicked in the Avram Gang. The Wicked Avrams is now just a legend. There is only one team now that does it all. The team's name is The Avram Gang. That is right. One group does it all. "We plan to control H1Z1 servers for a year more,"Alberto said. 

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The Avram Gang scoping out for nearby enemies.
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